Marketing No-No’s: Curves Are Back!

I just got back from a client site and, as always, I walk home and take a look into all the windows along the way.  I notice a woman’s magazine and, in big violet letters, it said “Curves Are Back!”  I couldn’t help but shake my head.  This is the kind of garbage that people listen to and then we wonder why so many people are insecure.

It’s sad but, in this day and age, people want to fit in at all costs (usually). If you don’t have some sort of label or group that you can identify with then you’re alone and nobody wants to be alone.  Being alone and not fitting in is uncool.  Uncool people are losers.  You want to be a winner?  Adopt what the media tells you is right and you will be all right.  If you believe those last three lines, you may have already been infected by this virus.  A virus that robs us of our individuality, creativity, and ability to pioneer our own thoughts.

Certainly, there is a need for sheep if there are to be shepherds. A leader cannot lead if no one will follow.  There needs to be a balance, however, and I do not think the US, as a nation, has that balance right now.  Everywhere I turn, I see beautiful, attractive, and BRILLIANT women that second-guess themselves because Cosmo says they do not know how to please their man or they are “too curvy”.  What the??  Too curvy??  There are many wishing their girlfriends were MORE curvy.  I guess you really can’t please everyone and this is what people have to remember before they go through extreme processes just to fit in.

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XBox Live and The Online Multiplayer Arena

In one of my previous articles , I discussed some of the distinctions of the current next-gen systems and how the rules are different now.  Roughly two generations back, console gaming was pretty balanced.  Every major system had a substantial market share (yes, Sega Saturn definitely drew the shortest straw), pricing made the experience open to almost anyone, technology was still very simple, and online multiplayer was not heard of.  This was a time when a hardcore PC gamer would likely laugh at you for suggesting they downgrade to a console.  Games like DOOM, Warcraft, Command & Conquer, Corridor 7, Terminator Rampage, Sam & Max: Hit the Road, Leisure Suit Larry, and Archon were amongst the many games that kept us enthralled; naturally, the elitist PC gamer wouldn’t see a need to purchase a game console.

Today, multiplayer gaming, especially the online variety, is huge.  Game developers have realized that not everyone is an only child, social recluse, or yama-sennin living the life of a hermit.  This market was probably just not profitable enough. Microsoft saw this opportunity and took their success on the PC gaming market (don’t laugh) and ported it over to the XBox.  Adopting a pay-to-play model was risky but they pulled it off and now boast around 2 million subscribers.

Apparently, Microsoft had some foresight this time.  They saw the threat of free online gaming services and decided to implement a baseline subscription that is free to XBox 360 gamers.  It doesn’t seem that the full XBox library is currently supported from what I hear but I guess we’ll see when curiousity finally gets (and the price drops) and I get my own XBox 360.  I’m all about the online multiplayer gaming simply because I don’t see the fun is in beating some games unless the story is really rich with substance and dynamic characters.  Maybe that’s just me but adding an alternate ending does not make for real replay value.

Microsoft apparently has some very auspicious plans and hopes to increase their user base by 50%.  If Gears of War is a sign of things to come, we should probably get excited.  I saw the Halo 3 trailer and, while it was cute and all, it didn’t make me feel particularly excited.  I hope they have some phenomenal gameplay updates for the online multiplayer action!  But that is besides the point.  I believe that more games have to be developed with online multiplayer at the core rather than an after-thought.  Sure, you may exclude those that don’t have broadband access but you can’t please everyone!

With an XBox Live Silver account, you get everything a Gold member gets except the enhanced matchmaking.  I think the average person will not care to have a gold account unless they want the extra stats and skill-based matchmaking.  Now people can no longer say that they refuse to get XBox Live and pay to play games online.  Playstation and PC gaming enthusiasts alike lost some ammo last year and, now that the games are really coming in, it looks like the XBox development team really has gotten into the trenches – they’re ready for war, boys!

I am a big fan of the Tom Clancy series so I hope to see comparable ports put over on the PS3 and Wii.  Without quality tactical online multiplayer action, I certainly will feel sad and I know I am not alone.  Excuse my tangent!  The real issue is this: until game developers wise up and start creating sexy online multiplayer games, I don’t see XBox Live losing it’s stronghold on the gaming industry.

I almost forgot the best part: Microsoft has copied Wii’s retro emulator idea by bringing back games like Street Fighter II, Smash TV, Contra, Defender, and Dig-Dug.  The games have been tweaked a bit in some cases.  There are parlor games and board games for the more traditional, casual gamers.  For the old-school PC gamers, there is even the original DOOM complete with multiplayer support.  It makes me wonder if there are any plans to port over GL DOOM and other fun conversions.  It’d be cool to see all the mods come back, including that kick-ass Batman mod!

Yes, Microsoft is a scary 500-pound gorilla .  They’ve copied good ideas so well that they even have a point system like the Nintendo Wii has for online purchases and now they’ve copied Playstation Online‘s FREE multiplayer gaming – what novel ideas!  The bastages thought of everything.  Even the Microsoft haters have to admit that these people are pretty darn smart.  XBox Live is going to be hard to battle so I have a feeling that Playstation will continue to focus on stellar, epic single-player content while Nintendo focuses on fun for the entire family and the not-so-hardcore gamers.  When will the insanity end?  Who knows, who cares, see you online.

For a list of games on XBox Live Arcade, visit – don’t forget to bring extra Jolt and caffeine pills.  It’s time to relive some of gaming’s best times EVER!

Want to enhance your online gaming experience and take it to the next level? Check out my article on the power and pwnage of being in a social gaming clan!

Hey, it’s not MY problem!

Hey, it’s not MY problem! It’s a message we here every day, whether explicitly or inferred by actions (another flavor includes “I can’t help you”). Each day, more and more people have decided that the next guy doesn’t matter because they’re too busy thinking about #1: themselves.
This reality is quite perturbing, even if you happen to be one of the narcissistic folks that has subscribed to this universal approach to life’s many challenges.

The scary part about this is that selfish people are more common than any other box you can put people in; that is, having this mentality is more the rule than it is the exception. The root cause is often elusive but I’d say it can easily be blamed on bad parents, “society”, and a paradigm shift in the global culture. I particularly find that this disease of ignorance is spreading rapidly in our homeland of the United States of A. Let’s assume that the “A” now stands for something I probably should not publish here, just in case there are kids in the audience; after all, the way people act these days, it might as well mean just that!

The shift in culture now tells people that being materialistic, cut-throat, and under-handed are essential ingredients in success and happiness alike. There has been a sort of ebb and flow in the progression-regression of mankind, and it seems we are yet again in a downward spiral. All you need to do is look at the mass media to see the signs. People have bought into these lies and common sense has, once again, been tailored to be not so much sense or logic, but definitely commonplace (lamentably so). Common sense itself has been rewritten or completely thrown out the window. I seem to recall something about the golden rule: treat others as you’d like to be treated (or something to that effect). I find that this works really well. Two edgy/grumpy/narcissistic people can rarely ever stop the madness and put an end to that ubiquitous vicious circle.

Yes, this is yet another one of my rantings but I assure you that there are lessons to be learned here: for everyone. The problem with the “hey, it’s not my problem” is that it assumes that you have exclusive rights, superiority, or some sort of self-appointed title that gives you immunity to bothersome things. These beliefs are often rooted in racism, social casting, close-minded thinking, and various biases. Take, for example, the everyday scene of the person whining about how they have it so rough. Whether or not they have hardships does not stand to question ever cause, heck, we all do, but some folks think that warrants poor customer service or bad attitudes. I particularly enjoy it when a servicer acts as if they are doing you a favor when they finally give you some attention, even though it is their JOB and they are doing the bare minimum just to earn that paycheck (or are they)?

We all know that person that complains about their situations constantly, the self-proclaimed victim and martyr, the biggest demanders of attention that anyone can ever meet in their lives. Chances are they blame the world for all the wrongs, externalizing fault and responsibility, thus never finding real resolution. I admit, I’ve been guilty myself and I don’t think anyone reading this hasn’t done it before but we live and learn… Or we don’t. I think society is missing people that have a “buck stops here” attitude. Everyone is too busy, too stressed, too tired, and too annoyed to bother with things that are not important (to them). No one has time, we’re all too busy (or at least that is the escape clause we often turn to). Flip the situation around, of course, and these same people become street evangelists. Interesting how we often expect those things we do not render other such as simple common courtesies – oops, common sense has been downgraded. “My bad.”

I think this is at the heart of business failure these days. I have met so many business owners, most of which I avoided doing business with as a consumer or a consultant alike, that ooze with the “give your money and leave” air. It’s so obvious that they do not really care about going the extra mile or doing the little things to get the return business and accolades, the things they think they “deserve”. Ah, yes, therein lies the rub: people think they deserve things or are owed things so they almost stop trying to earn them.

Whether you base the feeling of being “deserving” upon a past of oppression, bad experiences that caused a change in your ideals, or just because you can get away with it, it’s a nasty habit. Now, I am not saying you, the reader, is guilty so take my “you” as the pronoun for “those that fit the bill”. In any case, whatever the reason for being a not-so-friendly person may be, there is another knee-kicker of a cliche that I find works very well for these folks “get over yourself” (or “get over it”).

I’ll share a story of one of the most inconsiderate yet otherwise loveable people that I know: my own little brother. It so happens that I share a living quarters with him and, while our work lives keep us busy on the most part, sometimes there is a clear conflict between what I feel is common courtesy and what he feels is appropriate. Simple case at hand: I am sleeping to save up energy for a long work day and he apparently makes every effort to make extra noise. When confronted in a friendly manner, his only retort is “tough, I’ve been through worse”.

His logic is this: he often goes to work on two hours of sleep and he is going to school to complete his master’s so I can’t even begin to understand. Why does he believe this? Well, his worldview has him believing that people that do not work traditional jobs, such as small business owners and freelancers like myself, do not work so hard. His worldview also tells him that he is in a bargaining position because I finished college long ago but I never reached his current level of studies. Perhaps I am reading into things a bit much or perhaps I am just a master of reading between the lines but, any way you chop it up, it is clear that he does not feel that my view on the matter means anything.

Flip the same situation around and this is the same guy that will call my cell phone when he is in the next room just to let me know that the TV is approximately two notches too high. Fascinating! I actually find it funny how people like my brother even manage to build business relationships, let alone make friends, when they lack some serious interpersonal skills. Now, the fact of the matter is that he’s a great guy to hang out with and he has a good heart but, when he is in his “I am the victim” mode, not even the OJ Simpson defense team could help you out, brown paper bag trap or not.

It’s bizarre but he is not alone in this group of elitist, snobs, and “angry black women”. Yes, I said angry black women not to single anyone out but to point out one of many biases that people use to give them the right to be part of the US of A (where “A” is stinky and not very pleasant at all): people see a black woman and they generally think that they will receive ho-hum service. What people don’t realize is that sometimes their perceptions become attitudes that create self-fulfilling prophecies; that is, they actually compel those around them to conduct themselves in the manner they are expected to act.

The phenomenom behind the “it’s not my problem” attitude will have people feel that these other folks are just jerks for not seeing their way. To them, their way is the right way, the only way, so they will not budge. For all intents and purposes, these people have given up their humanity and have become giant boulders; immovable, without warmth, and perfectly happy sticking to their position, even if there are many other positions they can occupy.

Here is my call to action: if you find it annoying when people tell you “I can’t help you” or “that’s not my department” or “not my problem”, consider how many times you do that and do something about it. It’s much easier to fix ourselves than those around us and we could all stand for more self improvement, present party included. I have found that applying simple common courtesy rules in daily interactions not only makes you more friends but also makes your customers happy, whomever they may be. Surely, this is common sense, right? Wrong. Go back a few paragraphs. The rules have changed so we must adapt if we are to have an edge over the “bottom suckers”.

The rule of thumb for dealing with human conflict is this: ask yourself the right questions. How would I feel if I was in this situation? How would I like to be talked to? How would I like to be treated? Very simple. Asking yourself “why is this person such a jerk” or “should I punch him/her or not” only makes your position defensive and lends to uglier altercations.

I have one more example of how this lack of tact and common courtesy can make for some disgusting “kibbles-and-bits”. Allow me to share it with you as I close this beefy piece out! I have a business partner that is a really great guy. He’s got great skills, a great sense of humor, and he is generally fun to be around if you get to know him. He tends to get a bad wrap, however, because he tends to project verbal vomit; that is, he thinks out loud when he should be measuring his words. To say the least, he is quick to jump the gun and even I, with my immense patience and tolerance for silliness, find myself wanting to press the MUTE button on our conversations at times.

My partner has fallen for the fallacy of status, just like my brother, so I went from being an equal partner to a petty dealmaker. From the tone he took on, I owed him my life and had no choice but to play according to his rules. His statements often become ridden with ego and, if you ever remotely seem to be attacking him, he’ll be quick to defend himself rather than trying to discern why a statement was made or what it really means. Truth be told, I walk on egg shells for this guy simply because I am always afraid I may unwillingly offend him, even when joking around, like friends do. He also succumbs to another fallacy: he can’t take his own medicine. Ah yes, hypocrisy makes the soul complete! Actually, it does not but, again, some people would have you think so!

Just recently, I worked on a bid for a large project whereas the businesses I represent, including joint ventures between us, would provide a whole suite of services under one all-encompassing plan. It was a brilliant strategy that had and has our client excited. Instead of being happy that I appointed him as the lead for one of the major deliverables, a huge project on it’s own, he immediately attacked me with questions of money matters. He did not want to deal with what the client wanted, why they went with us, what our plan is, or any of that. It was just all about him.

Being a flexible person, I made some allocations to be able to pay him more than any partner on our team is currently making yet, somehow, that was not enough for him. Mind you, he would not have had this business if I did not actively work on it and keep him in mind. So much for gratitude!

Naturally, there was something bugging him so I didn’t hold his nastiness against him because, really, it was much more than acting like a greedy little dwarf. That moment could have been a defining moment where we would have dissolved our partnership and gone our separate ways but we took a step back, took a deep breath, and got to the heart of matters. It was worth the minute of frustration because then we got a solid hour of “strategic planning” done. In the end, it just turned out that he was really strapped for cash and his own business ventures were not going so well. He had kept quiet all along rather than talking to me, his partner and friend, so I could help him out financially.

It just goes to show you that everyone has a bug up their you-know-what and sometimes we need to be wary of the hot buttons that can really set people off, in a bad way. Though there are many people that can give our business the technical know-how that my partner possesses and we have plenty of talent as it is, I would have hated to see our relationship hurt over silliness. Talking things out really works. It all comes down to your modus operandi or, better yet, your ideals and ethics that comprise your habits and logic.

For my partner, his recent experiences made him go into a sort of shell shock. He had experienced what many freelancers do: snobby customers, people that don’t pay on time (or at all), and people that sub-contract you, steal your intellectual property (such as a web or game design) and run away, and major financial challenges. On the flip side, he is in his 20’s, has a great girlfriend, owns a house, and has friends that really care about him. People get tunnel-visioned and they get focused on the immediate nuissance and biases, rather than looking at the big picture that everyone always talks about.

It was because of these experiences and more that he took a very static stance: these are my requirements and, if it doesn’t work, get someone else on the project. At one point, I tried to work with him and his answer became “I don’t know what to tell you man” (which is just a nice way of saying “not my problem”). These are the things that happen in businesses day in and day out. I’ve sat on board meetings that made Texas Chainsaw Massacre look like Breakfast at Tiffany’s. There’s simply too much ego in the world and, more and more, people need to learn to get over themselves and just talk things out in a friendly, casual manner.

To me, one of the most amazing things is that so many businesses are a few steps away from bankruptcy and they don’t even know it. They use strong-arm tactics and basically bully people around. They buy into the social casting rhetoric and make other people feel so small that any abuse they receive thereafter will feel as if it is perfectly appropriate, deserved perhaps. It’s a strange new world we live in but it’s not a lost cause if we all take personal responsibility of things and make a small ripple in the waters of social networking. Remember: no man is an island…

Ships, Dragons, and Bears. Oh my.

Apparently, my little tidbit about ARC drew some attention and some old-school players returned to the game.  Let is be known that the game is alive-and-kicking, even after Sierra pulling away the last IV unit.  For those that do not know the full story, this game is a little phenomenom  that started as a simple college project and passed through many hands, always remaining a fairly autonomous entity until Sierra came in and bought the rights to the game.

Many of those that come across ARC know little else besides what they may have read on Wikipedia, GameStop, and CNET.  John Vechey, Brian Fiete, and the illusive C:\ are often idolized as heroes in this small community of cult proportions.  ARC is easily a microcosm of what many web designers, game designers, and producers alike have forgotten: there is still beauty in simplicty.  The other inferred lesson can be this: sometimes mistakes can become a great success.  Then again, it depends what you consider success.

JV and BF are doing really well.  Their flagship retail game, Bejeweled, has single-handedly made them quite wealthy yet PopCap continues to grow and, in the humble tradition of ARC’s tight-knit community where it’s more five degrees of JV, OgreChow, Sedition or BF than anything else, they are actually recruiting in the place that really started it all.  It’s great to see indie developers survive in a tough economy and stick to their roots.  PopCap’s corporate culture almost seems like some twisted paradox where work meets fun and, get this, PASSION.  Kudos to my friends at PopCap!  Hopefully, we’ll see ARC evolve and perhaps spawn off similar entries for this very zombie-like game industry (it’s really lacking fresh new ideas IMHO).

Speaking of simple yet fun games, Legend of the Green Dragon (LOGD) takes the spirit of the cult classic Legend of the Red Dragon, returning with great humor, fun times, and a small, yet warm gaming community.  The beauty of this game is that they remember that content is king so, while foregoing some of the aesthetics that many may be accustomed to, they try to provide an environment that encourages staying in character and actually ROLE PLAYING.  KUDOS!

As a game designer and avid gamer, I believe that the perfect engine does not exist but there’s plenty of room to be different.  While LOGD still presents some of the same character grind that is typical to the RPG genre, it does a good job of breaking up the action and forcing you to communicate [properly].  One thing that delights me is their naming policy.  Gone are the days of Bob1234 and John4U.  People actually have to come up with clever names that fit into the theme of the game itself.

In short, if all you want is eye candy, neither ARC nor LOGD (or any of the games listed on the GameOgre or ORPGs web sites) will fit the bill, but if you care about the social aspect of gaming and want some level of replay value, these may good places to go.  Not to mention that, if you play these games, you get hang out with a rather fun bear-lizard fellow…  Yes, I had to plug myself somehow!

BTW, those that already played ARC, Uniball, or Silent Death Online and enjoyed them may want to check out Spork (working title).  It’s a new project that is slowly being developed as “Project Divinity”.  Looks very promising but, like with any indie project, only time will tell and us developers tend to have short attention spans so who knows what other pet projects may distract the team.  I happen to be an admin on there so maybe you’ll see me there.  Be sure to wave hello!

Support us starving artists!

Some of you frequent and already got this message but, for those of you out of the loop or just strolling in, I want to HIGHLY RECOMMEND the below web sites:


Both sites belong to humble people looking to make a living by helping others.. or showing you some sexy photos. Some very good content is available and on the way on both sites so support them! Click some ads while you are at it. Karma is a beautiful thing, really: click and you shall be clicked, touch and you shall be touched, bite and you shall be bitten, li…

…Well, you get the idea! ;o)