Triberr Rocks, But Not For The Reasons Most Love It Or Hate It

So here I am doing my usual social media thing when I get mentioned on via Disqus.

Before I go off on a tangent, I want to be clear.  I dig Saul and I appreciate that he sticks by his ideals and principles.  I just can’t agree with his views on Triberr, even if it’s the popular opinion (and I may get some tomatoes thrown at me), because it’s that sort of stuff that has made people hesitant or disdainful towards Triberr, IMHO.

Now allow me to rant about why I feel Triberr ROCKS but most people just “don’t get it”…

As I do my usual SEO schtick, I find tons of mis-representative content about Triberr.  Just Google “Triberr” – it’s rather overwhelming!  I’ll quote Nicole Crepeau’s Triberr article from Coherent Social Media:

In fact, there are things I love about Triberr:

I love the goal for which it was established: to give more exposure to smaller bloggers.

I love that being in Tribes can help keep your blog in front of your network and keep their’s in front of you.

I really like the new headline testing feature.

I like the way Triberr’s founders, Dino Dogan and Dan Cristo are ever present and responsive, and generally keep the discussion positive and professional–even when things have gotten a bit rough.

I like the fact that it’s working for people and increasing traffic to their blogs.

I like Dino’s thoughts about a union for bloggers, to enable bloggers to make a living at blogging.

There’s only one thing, actually, that I don’t like about Triberr:

I don’t like the auto-tweeting. 

I quote this not due to laziness but because I believe there’s no point in regurgitating what’s already out there on the blogosphere, especially when the aforementioned seems to be the consensus.  The automagical part is something folks either love or hate.  We get that.

No Triberr - From Coherent Social Media

"No Triberr.. BAD Triberr!" - Thanks!

The problem with Triberr is not Triberr..  It’s YOU (shame on you!).  Okay, maybe not *you* specifically, but people that don’t use it in an ethical manner or at least manage expectations properly.

What we have here is an issue with semantics, framing, positioning, or whatever you want to call it.

I don’t get excited about the reach multiplier aspect.  I do SEO and I’ve seen how pure traffic is worthless unless you are engaging and have some decent concept about inbound marketing, authenticity, and conversions thereof.  You need to build trust, help others, and show you care before others do the same in return.

Now, what DOES excite me is what Dino Dogan has often told me in private and in public:

Triberr is the great equalizer.

Yes, I know, we have some a-listers in Triberr and they’re mostly good people.  Truth be told, I’d say 60-80% of the current users on Triberr would likely not be on there if there were not these sorts of social media and online marketing rockstars.   Some folks just want their link juice, so to speak.  In spite of those folks that draw in the fanboys, suits, and bean counters, I still believe in this vision: giving smaller bloggers and thought leaders a chance to find their own captive audience.

For me and folks that rather focus on smaller, more tightly-knit groups, the exciting thing about Triberr is making a friend, one person at a time.  Friends come in different flavors and levels.  You have your passive supporters, your avid fans, your brand advocates, and the not-so-atypical fairweather variety too..  You also get the folks that really like or love you, but may not particularly care about your content or “what you do” (they may be too caught up in their own stuff, so don’t take that personally).  They all serve their purpose and, if you’re good about nurturing the bonds thereof, there could be some meaningful mutual support there!

My entry tribe, the Birds of a Feather, is a wonderful bunch.  I am pondering manual mode in this tribe only because we’ve gotten too big.  But I also think about the extra time I’d have to spend checking every single blog entry that comes through.  I’m sorry but some of you blog TOO often – two or three times a week is fine, REALLY (trust me, I’ve done SEO for quite some time..  longer than most..  not to toot my own horn, of course *wink*)!

Still, I feel that there needs to be deeper engagement in tribes (at least the Triberr) variety to really make this system work.  Simply broadcasting “quality content” that is a “right fit” is not enough.  I have yet to see anyone that has posted a conversion rate greater than 15%, regardless of their audience size.  In fact, I’ve had more engagement and consistent support from folks sharing my stuff through smaller audiences.  Hey, but don’t let me tell you how to do things – keep on screaming..  After all, it works so well for television advertisers, right?

NEWS FLASH:  You can now set your stream to manual so nothing goes through without your approval and, by extension, people must approve your stuff too.  I LOVE this feature.  No more one-sided sharing.  Those silly sots can use TwitterFeed or something else.  kggthx

 The issue with automated tweets is now a moot point – let’s put that horse to rest finally, folks.

That said, I think that manual mode is rather silly for my purposes unless a tribe grows too big and you notice TOO much going out.  Even then, Triberr lets you set manual delays between automatic tweets AND staggers the updates.  Really, if I join a tribe, I implicitly trust that they will share quality content that will interest my audience.  I also trust that they will not push out TOO much content and overwhelm folks.

Take it from me, I was on the fence about Triberr months ago until Dino Dogan reached out to me.   I knew Dino from lurking but I did not really care until I saw how much he cared – and how much we had in common!  I love the guy.  I wish we had more time to hang out, even if it’s just virtually.  This is the sort of engagement I want to produce.  I want to touch hearts and souls.

When people complain about Triberr, they’re really complaining about self-absorbed, self-promoting robots with no heart or soul.  Triberr is not for big brands.  I’m pretty sure the massive broadcasters will be scrubbed or at least ostracized.  The a-listers everyone swoons over usually talk about the same old stuff, but they dress it up differently.  Booorrrriiing.  (Hey, someone had to say it!)

Here’s a key take-away…

It all goes back to social media manners, which goes FAR beyond Triberr.

If you’re still on the fence about Triberr, remember there are different types of tribes.  Some folks want real people and other want numbers.  Some want both.

I am currently building some tribes I plan to keep at 7-10 people max.  I want to be able to keep up with content updates and genuinely support others, not just click some buttons as a favor.  If you’re interested in re-humanizing business and blogs alike, check out some of my tribes in progress:

  • Sassy Shareakins – We go beyond mere reciprocation.  We’re looking for folks that genuinely get excited about our content and want to collaborate.  Sharing is caring and we love us some sassy, like-minded bloggers; hence the name!
  • Survival of Ancient Exile – Let’s do away with the archaic thoughts of the old-money business world.  Let’s do something different.  Let’s innovate and create…  Creative geeks UNITE!
  • The Knights of Good –  If you love video games, game design, game mechanics, or anything of the sort, check us out!  We’re secretly trying to attract Felicia Day and gang to join us.  Not going to happen, we know..  But our nerdy hopes keep going!

I will end my rant on a couple of key notes.  Some folks will respond by saying, “The goal of social media is increasing your audience or reach.”  I disagree.

A massive audience will not impress me.  Now, if I see quality interaction with your audience and a response to the type of content I share, then we can forge a mutually-beneficial alliance whereas we share value and variety through each other.  I also think it’s a shame that we have elitist snobs making people think their content and/or design is “not good enough” or “lacks professionalism”.  Their loss..  I’ll gladly take folks that focus on the heart of their content, rather than being pretentious and playing the numbers game – my Triberr links of the moment are above!

To me, that is the true essence of Triberr and social media as a whole…  What’s your take on it all?

(The good news is that there is no right or wrong..  And we can find the folks that do think like us with a little digging on Triberr – YAY!)


P.S.  Yes, my Squidoo lens on Triberr needs updating  so come on by and leave some comments/ideas..  What would you like discussed?

35 thoughts on “Triberr Rocks, But Not For The Reasons Most Love It Or Hate It

    • I blog often but I have quite a few blogs of my own plus others I contribute too.. Like you, I’d love to do it daily.. I just don’t always get that chance. I admit that my time management skills may need some revamping! ;o)

  1. Pingback: Triberr Rocks, But Not For The Reasons Most Love It Or Hate It (via Yogizilla’s Blankity Blank-Blank (An NoF Portal)) « Rants and Raves By KiNgDeeM

  2. Love it! Love Triberr. My feeling over the past week (because I’m REALLY new) is to keep it small and tight. Get to know each other and have fun. Build trust over time.Support each other like you would a neighbor. I can’t do everything you need me to do, but I’ll work hard to help you.

    • Being new is a good thing. You missed some of the features that made is worry a bit about the direction of things to come.

      For example, for a brief while, you were able to inbreed from any tribe on Triberr. There was also a two-column page that only showed the people with the biggest Twitter reach and those with the most Triberr connections.

      Reach is just that: reach. When you reach for things, you may not get them. The more things you try to reach for, the less chances you have to come out with a “prize”. It reminds me of those pesky mechanical arm machines. The only way you usually get something is if people have consistently tried to get one thing in the magical box. Eventually, reaching for that one thing wins you the prize, though you may have to invest some time and money to do so.

      I love what you’re doing in our Rockstars and Chatlanians group, Betsy. You’re the kind of person I hope to “reach” on Triberr. When you have folks excited about what your tribe is trying to accomplish, everyone gets a prize or two. It’s a wonderful thing!

      You’re absolutely right about not being able to do everything.. And no one reasonable expects that of you. We have our own things going on, after all.

      While intentions may not be “measurable”, they count. I can always tell who is trying and who is not. You definitely put in the effort; thus, anything and everything you do is appreciated.

      The key thing is not to spread yourself thin; otherwise, you do yourself and everyone else a dis-service. Have fun with it. As Dan told me recently…

      I would say @Triberr is a place for bloggers to hang out…

      He said some other wonderful things but that is what he led in with. When you hang out with a bunch of people you like, the collaboration comes naturally and is fun, not a mere chore or an obligation.

      I’m SO glad you get that – that’s why you’re so AWESOME!

  3. Thanks, Yomar. This is really spells out why Triberr works and why for some it is a great tool. I agree on the point of smaller tribes. 7-10 is a magic number, over that, you are just broadcasting content and there is no engagement. For my own tribe, Be Inspired, I have carefully selected the group based on their content and their own values of being engaged with their audience. Our mission is to inspire with our prose and write to our target audiences within marketing, leadership subject matter. I’ve found within this tribe, I have a great group of friends. With my larger tribe…I have found a select group within the tribe that really engages well. The tribe is larger but the tribe leader is truly masterfully in keeping the community in sync 😉 My one complaint on Triberr…of late, Dino and Dan have been so great at customer service, yet, I’ve had a tech issue that has gone unanswered for over a week – that’s not helpful when you are trying to sign up folks and convince them that Triberr is a great way to join the community. It’s especially hurtful when Dan and Dino are announcing more updates….and not responding. But overall, I see the relationship building as the key factor to stay with Triberr. My true reach comes from those who subscribe to my blog and my social media platforms, Triberr is just one avenue, not the only one I use. Thanks for the article, you really put this into great perspective without being over the top.

    • Hi Jen!

      You and I are pretty much in the same boat.. Though Dan and Dino have been quite responsive. Lately, I do notice Dino is unplugging more, which I understand. Keep the bonfires and Triberr blogs/mentions going.. They’ll notice. I know Dino is always checking for Triberr buzz via Google alerts and searches – that’s how we got to be buds!

      Triberr is growing rather fast so it’s only natural that some tribes will get “fatty” and lose their focus. But, for every 10 or so tribes that focus on numbers, there’s tribes like yours that focus on doing big things through smaller scopes. I love to see that!

      Like you, I dig our big tribe and feel it suits it’s own purposes. I miss when we were smaller but Keri has worked hard to make sure we’re engaged. You see the same few people stepping up to the plate, and those are the people you mainly follow through with.

      Certainly, Triberr is but one of many avenues to take.. I feel there is nothing else like it right now, though Blog Engage and Networked Blogs come close.. Sorta. ;o)

      If there was one thing you’d change on Triberr, what would it be?

    • The lurkers ran off with it.. But we still have pretzel bites and chips. I’m particularly fond of the honey mustard pretzel bites. You should try them if you haven’t yet. =o)

      …And, yes, let’s celebrate Triberr and the wonderful connections we’ve made because of it. I may not have otherwise met you, Janet Callaway, Christian Hollingsworth, Laurinda Shaver, Dave R. Gallant, Klaudia Jurewicz, Jocelyn Wilhelm, Samantha Luy, James St. John… Well, you get the idea. *grin*

  4. While you may think that the problem is the people, I’m not all that convinced that the problem, in the end, is not Triberr itself.

    I think the key sentence in your post is this: “I don’t get excited about the reach multiplier aspect.”

    I suppose I’m beginning to repeat myself, because I’ve written this a few times already over several weeks ( starting from ), but the biggest problem Triberr is facing is that its user base is split between those enticed by “The reach multiplier” and those enticed by content curation based on authors.

    There is no obvious answer how to reconcile this split.

    Too many reach multipliers, and Triberr becomes seen as an advertising platform, and we know what happens to online ads: people just block them.

    Without people who want to use it to advertise, how can it be monetized, even to the extent of covering the costs? Less people overall and larger share of people who are not as willing to part with their money (advertisers are always willing to dole out cash if the ROI is right).

    The answer is not to change humanity. That much I am sure of. It IS the tool, insofar as it caters to audiences whose goals conflict.

    Maybe there is a way to keep both audiences happy. Maybe one or the other has to go.

    • Great to have you here!

      I appreciate your challenge here and, believe me, I’m not done sharing my thoughts on Triberr and content curation/marketing, either.

      Let me be more clear here since I know my thoughts here may come off idealistic, over-zealous, or controversial. We can’t change humanity but we can forge alliances with like-minded people.

      I don’t see a full-on purge on Triberr but, rather, people will leaves tribes to find the right fit. That’s a good thing. I’m an opponent-turned-brand-advocate for Triberr so I can admit: Triberr is not for everyone. That’s part of what excites me about it. It’s a matter of having a slight edge in otherwise crowded spaces.

      Monetization is not a big sell for me but it’s nice.. Perhaps even a “necessary evil”.

      Dino and Dan have built Triberr to be flexible enough to suit personal needs, values, and goals. It’s far from perfect but, then again, what *is*?

      I know many will disagree with my thoughts here or find my conclusion “off”.. I think that’s great. It shows me that people are resolute for the right reasons, not because of silly misconceptions (like the automation stuff that seems to be the main sore point).

      There has been good and bad on Triberr but the good has far-outweighed the bad. Those that leave or dismiss Triberr may not have found the right tribe. I know many folks have also had a problem with the application process.

      Some tribes come off smarmy, elitist, and selfish.. But you can’t judge the bunch just because you find some rotten apples.

      Thanks for stopping by. Let’s keep the conversation going!

  5. Yomar, aloha. Absolutely love this piece and feel you nailed it. In fact, I am quite excited to share it with others.

    Like you, I have found that the response rate is much higher from the folks who have a lower number of followers rather than a higher number. When you think about it, that’s hardly a surprise. Depending on which set of statistics you read, a HUGE number of people never return to twitter after 90 days. Thus, if someone has a gigantic number of followers, chances are many of them have not been active twitter users for years.

    Yomar, as a result of Triberr, I have met some fantastic people I otherwise would not likely have met. As a result, some wonderful friendships have blossomed while others are already flourishing.

    Like you, Yomar, I have “difficulties” with people who post 2-3 times a day. Since I would send my own posts to my followers 2-3 times a day, why on earth would I want to send someone else’s posts? Thus, I now have some people on Manual which I did not do before.

    Also, of course, there is the fact that some tribes have become quite large and there does not seem to be a unifying theme–parenting, SEO, social media, networking or the like.

    Anyway, since I am preaching to the choir on this one, I will sign off by thanking you once again for such a great post. Until later, aloha. Janet

    P.S. Love what I saw of your comments to Saul in the Kickin’ it group.

    • I’m glad I have your seal of approval here, Janet, as I consider you a rare influencer that has access to a massive network yet manages to make meaningful engagements every day. I wish more folks saw things as you did. Your results speak for themselves and I can’t think of anyone that knows you and doesn’t absolutely adore you.

      With regards to the heavy content pushers, I have no issue sharing more of everyone else’s stuff over my own. The issue resides with my network being exhausted due to a persistence that borders, if not exceeds, over-aggression. It’s one thing to be passionate but it’s a whole different beast to be obsessive!

      The concept of manual sharing is something I am still considering. Admittedly, there are things that I feel my audience would not find remotely interesting.. And I have quite the diverse audience.

      You see, I like to blur the lines between business and personal. I like to have a natural flow there… And it works for me. I’m not saying my way is right or better.

      With that in mind, my streams can be more forgiving to content that is a bit of a stretch from what I usually share myself.. But there are some things in my main Triberr group that I have to wonder, “Does this have any value to my audience?” I may have to examine the click-through rates and see what sort of engagement results from there.

      I am sooooo with you on the point about Triberr as a networking tool. I’ve met amazing people like you in and through my tribes. That out-weighs any hard numbers.. But it also helps that the friendships have also led to profitable opportunities, since we all have to pay bills, after all!

      So I’m here with a big smile on my face as I absolutely LOVE your response to this “from the gut” post. I just wanted to dispel some of the negativity about Triberr and all it’s flaws.. I think this will help non-Triberrs and active Triberrs alike!

      If you dig the comments on our Facebook group, I definitely can’t wait to follow up this post and follow through with some content that will address StumbleUpon, Triberr, Twitter, and other often misunderstood, under-used, and under-valued social platforms/tools. I’m excited here.

      Thank you so much for the wonderful thoughs here, Janet – I’m glad I have an ally and a friend in you!

      • Yomar, aloha. You definitely have an ally in me.

        Since I tweet the content of so many people, I am always tweeting more content for others than I do my own. That’s fine with me, Yomar. However, I do not want to post 2-3 posts a day for one person through my stream. There are several people in a tribe that I am in post 2-3 & up to 5 times a day.

        Anyway, again, a brilliant post which people in my tribes appreciated reading when I shared it with them.

        Best wishes for a glorious week. Aloha. Janet

  6. Being invited or accepted to a Triberr tribe may come with a bit of “warm and fuzzy,” but truth be told, a tribe is about aligning blog content to reach more (and as I should acknowledge Yomar’s salient point – more of the people who are likely to convert to new business and/or friend/networking “valuables”). We can, in fact, simply know each other, thanks to Triberr and/or this or that, and elect to connect, network, befriend, collaborate. This does not mean that the tribe one of believes is “where we should be” – is necessarily a tribe that the Chief of that tribe believes has a place for us.
    As for my policies with my tribes, and as for Dan and Dino’s “intentions,” too much to vehemently disagree with, but for starters:
    1. when they first displayed their “featured” members on their top page, the few who made the cut were there based on precisely one thing: number of Twitter followers. After I spoke with Dan and Dino about it, big supporters, including both Stan Faryna, you, and I were also included. That was my doing, guys. It made immediate sense when I explained to them who they might do well to acknowledge – but it was not obvious to them until I explained it to them.
    2. I am not sure where the “3,000” thing Stan brought up a couple times (as a requirement for any of my tribes). I am not so simplistic in assessing the “likely” (can never be sure until you add a blogger to a tribe) reach a blogger will bring, regardless of his Twitter following, Klout, etc. I am selective. Those already in my tribes seem to be very “okay” with me being selective – about future additions to our little tribes.
    3. Though by Triberr rules we can be connected with up to 150 bloggers, from my own experience I see that the Triberr “drum” cannot send out any of my posts to anywhere NEAR that many, not even 100 of the bloggers I am connected to. As such, Triberr is not a network like Twitter, etc. where there is any benefit in being connected with many “contacts” (as Tribesmates, at least – as “networking connections,” or FRIENDS, like Yomar, Keri, and Stan are, of course!) is beneficial. In fact, once you exceed… not even sure… maybe 60-70 connections, you begin to see that Triberr gives up after a certain amount of time, and many of your connections thus do not tweet your blog post. You thus need to consider who gets you page views and who does not and then (again, in acknowledgment to Yomar), which of those page views are likely to do anything important for you – whatever that might mean – to you.

    I think I know a thing or two about building a tribe from nothing.

    Please understand that until you create attraction in a tribe, you will have one HELL of a battle in bringing the bloggers you want to join it. They will listen to you, and then join the tribe with the biggest reach they can get into. I know this from MANY experiences. “The grass is greener” syndrome, if you will.

    As such, I have, indeed, become increasingly on the look-out for tribespeople who will bring a tribe pageviews, retweets, quality leads (i.e. where those page views come from does matter, and Yomar, I do as I can, to the best of my ability as for that), and all that is on top of the first thing I assess: whether the blog’s topics, post quality, and so on (no self-promotional stuff, compensated reviews, etc.) are in line with those of myself and other existing tribe members.

    Wouldn’t you prefer to be in a tribe where you know that members added – after you – are going to be evaluated in such a manner? That is one benefit that I offer – with my tribes. However, let’s not fool ourselves; Triberr is where bloggers go to get their blog seen, and the topic(s) and quality and social networks authority (more networks to come, besides Twitter, we hear) are not enough of a draw. They are attracted by the reach of the tribe, alas. You will, at some point probably find that to be useful, if you ever build a tribe with a large reach. Whatever that means to you, you enjoy an uphill battle without much of a tribal reach.

    Triberr is only a fabulous basis for networking with bloggers because people like Stan, Yomar, Keri, Michael Todd, and a number of others decided to do just that. But that is not how I can select members to admit to my tribes. I do need to at least attempt to predict what value they are bringing – also in terms of targetted blog audience-building, for existing members and myself – before admitting bloggers to my tribes.

    • You make very valid points once again, though I think I’ve read these thoughts elsewhere.. Haha.. Just giving you a hard time! ;o)

      The 3,000 thing was something I used as a reference point. I know some folks do not consider someone “valuable” on Twitter until they have 3,000 followers or more. To each their own.

      I do agree that I rather be in a structured group but I disagree that the structure must be based on the criteria you suggest. I like Janet’s take on it right here in the comments.

      As a tribe chief, your job is to set proper expectations so no one is shocked, disappointed, or frustrated when they apply.. Or join your tribe.

      I love metrics as much as the next guy.. But you can’t always judge “value” by followings, click-throughs, retweets, and the like. Much like SEO, the type of attention you get and the relevance+engagement thereof, which lends to conversions, is what I really look at.

      Thus, I agree that there needs to be an alignment of content or, better yet, goals.. And that needs to be clear before people even join a tribe or group. I commend you for screening to maintain quality, relevance, and consistency. That said, your type of tribe would not be what I would search but that’s more a matter of differing communication styles and not so much conflicting values and principles.

      Hope that makes more sense. This is a topic we can surely discuss for a while.

  7. boy… I don’t think I can really add more than to what you and all your smart commenters have said.

    Everyone has a different vision and goal for what they want. Just because we are pumping out similar content, doesn’t mean we want the same things.

    Reach is not important to me. Solid relationships are. And.. having the right people (my target audience who will pay me) read my blog are.

    But… before Triberr I felt very much alone in my venture, but after meeting you and our core group, I no longer feel alone and feel inspired to keep moving forward.

    So that is what Triberr has done for me.

    • I second that. You have a gift, Laurinda: you can put in a few words (or a short video) the things I muddle up in verbose prose. Truly awesome sauce!

      When I joined Triberr, I really did not know to expect but my hope was that I’d at least meet people I could relate too. I’ve done that and so much more.

      My Twitter audience has really enjoyed everyone’s content, for the most part, so I feel it’s a good way to keep activity up, even when I go into hermit mode. ;o)

  8. Yomar,

    I am so new in Triberr…

    I feel a bit like Laurinda stated: ‘before Triberr I felt very much alone in my venture, but after meeting you and our core group, I no longer feel alone and feel inspired to keep moving forward.’

    I’ve received encouragement and great FB, Twitter and Blog interaction from my tribes mates – I am in only two Tribes (one active Tribe, I am also all by myself in another one ). People like you who value what they sent out and leave comment on blog posts have made me love Triberr.

    I am happy to learn and listen to you, Saul, Stan; any of the Triberr experts as you all are. I’ll stop and listen any time.

    Special shout-out to aka Keri Jaehnig who invited me in, let me on a path and has been a terrific coach.

    Thanks for a great post, Yomar.

    • Keri sure has been wonderful and her Twitter handle, @connectyou, describes what she does well!

      It’s been a similar experience for me as well because, even though I already knew other small business owners and bloggers, Triberr has made it so that I engage folks better and more consistently. Like you, Birds of a Feather is my main tribe but I’m growing three of my own tribes gradually, hand-picking the right people. I’m also in two other small tribes led by Stan Faryna and Robert Dempsey.

      Triberr certainly reminds us that we are not alone. It helps us stay focused and persistent in our efforts. I love it and it’s great seeing BOAF connecting and collaborating via other mediums! Our collective engagement levels are soaring through the roof – it’s fantastic!

      Even better, I see some of you transitioning from acquaintances to buddies to friends. That rocks most of all! =oD

  9. Hi Yomar,

    I probably wouldn’t have met you without Triberr. I’ve been able to come in contact with so many other people and cool ideas through my involvement.

    I wish I had more time to get to understand it better and meet more people, but with my schedule there isn’t as much time as I would like to socialize. However, for the energy I have put in, I have benefited greatly.

    So, all said, I have to give Triberr and this post a major thumbs up.

    • That’s the beauty of Triberr: you get what you put into it. I know you’re one of the hardest work small biz people I’ve ever met. That said, I encourage you to get on at least once a week to post on the tribe council walls, send out some good karma, and make sure you’re approving tweets and perhaps reading more of the blog posts in the stream (though this should ideally be done daily).

      I know for some using the terms “social media” or “socialize” trivializes the community aspects and tools available on Triberr.. But the value there is immense. The more aware your tribemates are of you and what you do, the more opportunities open up.

      Maybe you would consider joining one of my smaller tribes since we’re already engaging as it is? It’ll make it easier to keep up with each other since we’re both busy bees these days. 8)

      • One of these days, I’m going to an undisclosed location without cell phone, clients or work and I’m going to focus on Triberr, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Google+, Branch out, Klout, and try to learn how to get the features that I loved so much about Facebook back.
        After 2 or 3 days, I should have a much better idea about how to more fully use these phenomenal tools. Right now, I’m using about 1/10th of their power and I’m seeing results. Imagine if I actually knew what I was doing?
        Until then, I’ll keep learning from guys like you.
        Thanks so much for always being willing to help, answer questions and help me use social media and SEO to drive my business forward.

      • Same here!

        It’s good to “unplug” every now and then, even if it’s just being a hermit. Sometimes, you have to stop or slow down a bit to really build momentum. It gives you a chance to step back and see what really matters. Strategy is developed best in those times, I find.

        Lauri, I LOVE hearing that you’re getting real results. Maybe you can share some of your metrics and social proof some day. I know folks eat case studies, metrics, and testimonials and I know you’ll be authentic with it too.

        You hit the metaphorical nail on the head here. We’re getting results with minimal effort but imagine if we focus on the right (the most efficient) activities? That’s the essence of being productive.

        Your time is money but we also see that social media and blogging are still treated as frivolous endeavors or after-thoughts.. Yet they have immense value. Truly, it’s what you make of it.

        For clients, I frame it as an opportunity to build conversations with potential brand advocates, paying customers, referral sources, and supporters in real time. We get to listen more if we’re smart about it, then meet the real needs. That excites me.

        Really, we all could step up our game but it takes time so don’t be overwhelmed by it. I’d say focus on Triberr, Twitter, and StumbleUpon first. Tons of native and third-party tools there.. But that will be discussed further in due time.

        See ya on Skype, Lauri! =oD

  10. Hi Yomar,

    It’s funny when people blame technology but at the end, are their reactions and actions with it. Triberr is just a tool; you make with it what you want 🙂
    I don’t have very clear the Triberr-field, (I need to deep even more on its working) and my only tribe is dismembered, from 4 only 2 and one I don’t know never appear my tweets but I send his tweet on my stream….

    I don’t like to be tweeting automatically all day, so the manual option is a good measure, just in case that specific tweet is not of good quality.

    Thanks for shedding some light about this useful tool (in the correct hands, like always)



    • Hi Gera – I’m glad you could stop by and share your wonderful thoughts!

      You’re “on the money” about Triberr as a tool. A tool is what you make of it. Triberr can be a hammer or adhesive that keeps people closer.. Maybe something else – it certainly depends on the person!

      As you know, most seem to treat social media as a big megaphone. They want to get their message or story out to more people.. But folks have learned how to tune out such noise. The key thing is to broadcast to drip information out, see who is listening, and identify your core audience. In turn, you want to listen and engage actively.

      You mention your Triberr group is falling apart. Perhaps it is time to find a smaller, more tightly-knit group. I find engaging people have more attentive, receptive audiences.. They’ll also “tell a friend” and spread your best content and most powerful messages to the right people. That’s when the magic happens!

      So, that said, what are your plans on Triberr? What is the purpose of Triberr for you?

      Now, the automation aspect. I have to tell you: I was against any sort of automation from the beginning but I’ve seen my tweeps clicking, retweeting, and discussing Triberr-feed items. That’s a good thing.. It means that the content is providing value to your audience.

      Because of Triberr, I’ve put BufferApp and HootSuite to real work. I’m not afraid to automate now because I know I will still do more manual stuff 80% of the time (without spamming or merely retweeting things). I believe in automation now but it’s a matter of dripping information to your audience, not bombarding them constantly.

      Speaking of which, I love that Triberr staggers the stream output. That prevents you from overwhelming your tweeps, even if you’re in several tribes. Dino Dogan and Dan Cristo know what they’re doing!

      • Hi Yomar,

        You’re right, when I’ve more time, I’ll take a look deeply regarding Triberr and re-think about a new tribe there.

        I’ve several automatic tools on Twitter (but not enough to annoy followers) so the purpose on Triberr is not only full automation and amplification of my tweets, if not also the social networking inside and outside there.



  11. I view Triberr as an interesting social experiment, designed to somehow level the playing field for bloggers. Does it work? Is it effective?

    There is no way for me to personally tell because very little of my traffic comes from twitter. But, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work for others and gives them great benefits. More power to them 🙂

    Keep blogging ~ good stuff 🙂


    • Kumud!

      Guys and gals, this is a tweep to watch. Sunday mornings, around 8-10AM, #SpiritChat is a bustling place to have meaningful Twitter conversations. He also follows up with a 10PM EST (GMT-5) casual chat for West coasters and those that prefer to sleep in on weekends (I don’t blame ya LOL).

      So, about @Triberr…

      Dino Dogan and Dan Cristo are wonderful people. Their vision inspires me. You’ll enjoy listening to our #NJAB #podcast here…

      The #NJAB “Gamified” Marketing & Geek Podcast

      We’ll be revisiting #Triberr here on Y3B and NJAB so, if you’re not “sold” on Triberr yet, stay tuned!

      I’m not here to convince anyone about the value and potential on Triberr but I’d say Twitter can be so much more than what it is for most. By combining the power of blogs, Twitter, third-party validation, and content curation, Triberr is very much relevant.

      You mention that Twitter generates very little traffic for you but you have to consider the engagement of people that click links on there. Those are folks that typically really are curious.. So I’d say it’s a case for “small is the new big”.

      At the very least, Triberr and Twitter have helped me meet folks like you. Folks that may otherwise be “lost in the shuffle” but are sharing unique, if not creative, content.. And inspirational/compelling messages, I might add!

      So, yes, Triberr is certainly a work in progress and a social experiment of sorts but the benefits are virtually endless. With Triberr, I am more aware of my core audience, what the “competition” is doing, how engaging I really am, and more.

      I look at Triberr as a way to tap into the lesser-known blogs out there. I tend to find more value there since most “a-listers” and “super bloggers” are regurgitating each other’s thoughts and content. That’s not necessarily a bad thing but I want to connect with tomorrow’s thought leaders TODAY.

      In part it is exciting to say I knew these amazing people when they were “little guys”.. But, more importantly, we create strong friendships and accountability parters (what I call my work-OUT buddies). The potential for collaboration and peer support beyond mere reciprocation and automation has already done so much for my colleagues and I.

      Needless to say, I feel Triberr is something of a big deal so I am glad I took the plunge. I can honestly admit I would not be here without Triberr because, above all, it gave me an extra bit of urgency, even though I’m a life-long learner and self-starter.

      When folks find that Triberr can be leveraged to suit their own needs, perhaps it will be more relevant. Of course, I’m excited that not everyone “gets it”.. That’s more opportunity for the rest of us!

      Thanks for the insight, as always, Kumud. You really got my brain juices flowing and my soul filled with “the good stuff”. I appreciate you.



      (Sincerely, my Twitter friend.)


  12. Pingback: Exclusive Triberr Feature Previews & The #NJAB Podcast Behind The Scenes « Yogizilla's Blankity Blank-Blank (An NoF Portal)

  13. Pingback: Blog Soup 2011.11.11 Veterans, Epic Expectations, and Gnashing of Teeth « The unofficial blog of Stan Faryna

  14. Pingback: Blog Soup 01.17.2012 How to curate people and other social media DOHs « The unofficial blog of Stan Faryna

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